In the (re)works …

As part of our rebranding and refocusing on privacy to kick off 2023, we have lots of resources queued up to share here soon.

These include some translations from Portuguese to English for help on Brazil's privacy law, the LGPD; new privacy project roadmaps, single-page tip sheets to cover key privacy principles and how to put them into practice in your own data protection projects, and several other flavors of Cover Compliance Quick Reference Guides (QRGs).

REWORK - In the works …

We're working on some single-page tip sheets to cover key aspects of how to manage your own compliance program, including how to differentiate between different types of compliance and business documentation, information classification, and more.

Watch for change …

You might find that this part of the site changes in look and feel several times as we settle into creating a growing library of resources and arranging the tools. But we'll work hard to keep links stable. Please let us know if you encounter any issues or are looking for a particular resource.
Call us for more information.


We've finally turned the corner to take the Cover Compliance site from just providing verbal explanations (albeit very thorough explanations, we believe) of what we do and why, to becoming a source for tools and resources that potential clients might make use of in their own businesses and practices.

The first of this rebranded content is our high-level overview of how a new compliance program might be created, whether you do it yourself or work with us to help you. You can download that PDF toward the bottom of the page here.



We looked at a few examples of compliance documentation templates and discussed sample compliance policy and procedure content using excerpts from an actual small healthcare practice operations manual that Cover Compliance created.

Our Program Implementation Model

This Visio diagram (in PDF form) describes the approach Cover Compliance takes in the work we do in compliance, whether that compliance work is creating documentation, helping define governance processes, or dealing with awareness training needs for staff and other stakeholders.

The diagram shows the high-level lifecycle for creation of a complete, new compliance program. Existing compliance programs must incorporate feedback and changes in business and integrate changes to the compliance program. This diagram does not address that aspect of ongoing compliance, as we rarely get to do work on individual pieces of mature compliance programs, especially for the startups, healthcare practices, and smaller organizations we want most to serve.

Next up: Our take on Brazil's regulatory agenda for making real rules under the LGPD. As with many things Brazilian, surprises abound.

As you explore our Where We Can Help and What We Do services pages for more details on different aspects of how we help clients in various types of smaller organizations, be sure to think about what tools, technology, and people you already have on hand, and feel free to call us or send us a note using our contact form so we can have a personal conversation about how Cover Compliance might be able to help you.
What We Do
Privacy & data protection compliance programs simplified for smaller businesses that lack staff or resources to purchase and manage complex enterprise systems.
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Cover Compliance LLC
Overland Park, KS in the Kansas City area

  • 1.816.226.6759