Cover Compliance Blog - News, Opinions, Tips, and More

Do You Have That in Writing Presentation Materials Available

My first Enterprise University class just wrapped up! It seems students found it beneficial and I just hope they had as much fun as I did. I look forward to connecting with everyone on LinkedIn and Twitter, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the class or materials, or about Cover Compliance or Enterprise University. There are still a couple spring classes available and they'll be back with a summer semester, too.

Handouts for the class, entitled "Do You Have That in Writing? How Compliance Documentation Leads to Better Business", are available for download, including a PDF of the slide presentation.

You can find the PDFs for the slides and each individual handout on our Resources page by clicking here.

I look forward to getting a chance to do this again.


Learning from Tanning Salon Noncompliance Study

This is the first of our ongoing “use case” blog posts, where we take off from a real news story to explore key compliance principles. For a more detailed explanation of how our posts tagged with the “use case” label will work, see our other post from today.

This first “use case” post is interesting because it illustrates just how universal the need for a compliance program can be. And it shows a key way you might figure out what to include in your own compliance program, by looking at what outsiders (whether regulators, auditors, or, as in this case, researchers focused on your product or industry) may use to investigate your industry. It also touches on the benefits of simplification in the face of a slate of differing regulations.

Cover Compliance Blog Glossary

Real News Search "Use Case" Posts Explained

Yeah - we really are that focused on the details that we aren’t just tagging our blog posts and leaving you to wonder at our cryptic (and hopefully quite clever in some cases) meanings. We’ve created a glossary where we periodically describe what you should find when you look at specific posts gathered under each tag. To see the whole glossary at any given time, just click on the “tag glossary” tag in our blog contents sidebar.

What We Do
Privacy & data protection compliance programs simplified for smaller businesses that lack staff or resources to purchase and manage complex enterprise systems.
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Cover Compliance LLC
Overland Park, KS in the Kansas City area

  • 1.816.226.6759